Sundry Goods

Here you'll find various items which are soft goods related to the work and apostolate of PFLI. You'll want to let your friends and family know your pro-life commitment with several of these items. Some of these items are appropriate as gifts for various occassions including birthdays, Christmas, holidays, anniversaries and the like


Precious Feet Pin

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Weight: 0.10 lbs
Precious Feet pins, gold, each
The classic pro-life symbol suitable for any lapel, suit, dress or shirt, saying it all with the replica of a baby's perfectly formed toes at 10 weeks gestation.

Mantle Clock

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Elegant mantle clock with the PFLI logo

Elegant mantle clock with the PFLI logo on it, great as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, any occassion. This timepiece can be yours for a donation of $20 to PFLI.

Refusal to Kill sticker labels

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Maverick Label
Weight: 0.10 lbs
Minimum order 20; buy 100+ and price drops to only $0.08 each!
Refusal to Kill sticker labels, ea, [minimum 20 stickers]

Refusal to Kill sticker labels, the copyrighted PFLI symbol of the identity of Pharmacists of Conscience who refuse to participate in harming or killing any of our patients, both born and preborn. Use them to raise awareness with friends, associates, colleagues and business entities of the Rights of Conscience for Pharmacists.

Best Practice Tip: Place them on all your envelopes when paying bills, sending cards, or mailing any kind of material or package. 

Minimum order is 20 stickers. Quantity discounts when buying 100 or more labels at a time and price drops to $0.08 each.