Literature, Books, Publications

PFLI offers an assortment and array of literature dealing with many pertinent topics such as chemical abortion, drugs, side effects, and other pro-life subjects. PFLI reserves the right to substitute items out of stock or out of print for the closest match based on its sole judgement. By ordering in the PFLI Store, the buyer agrees to this proviso.


The New Abortionists: Pharmaceutical Companies

by Bogomir M Kuhar, PharmD, FASCP
1989 expose' of the drug company connections to chemical abortion which rocked the drug world.

Myths and Facts about Controlling Your Fertility

What you should know about birth control, ALL reprint, always timely

Gambling for Life: The Birth Control Game

by David Sterns, MD et al
with documentation from PFLI, mechanisms of action of OCs and IUDs, as well as names and manufacturers.

Evidence of Contra-Implantation of EA

Evidence of Contra-Implantation Properties of the so-called "morning after pill" a.k.a. Emergency Abortion by Mike Izzotti, BS Pharm (Canada)
Emergency abortion in a pill, falsely promoted as "contraception" after the fact, these mega-dose powerful steroids contain up to 50 times the amount of steroids found in the common so-called oral "contraceptive" pill. A real eye-opener which clearly refutes the propaganda campaign cloaked in false "science" by promoters of abortion by false advertising.

28 Days on the Pill DVD Video

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A Raging Controversy You May Know Little or Nothing About...the abortifacient properties of the so-called oral "contraceptive" also commonly called just "The Pill". On DVD video.
DVD Video about a Christian worker, his family and a nurse friend investigate throughout North America to uncover the truth about the birth control pill. The debate has been raging for over 25 years and yet so few people know about it. How could this be? How does the pill really work? Can everyday oral contraceptives really cause abortions? Why are so many people uninformed? How does the FDA and other countries' agencies allow these high powered steroids with significant, serious and, at times, deadly side effects to remain on the market when drugs that genuine treat disease are pulled from the market for the slightest wiff of danger or risk to patients. Discover how this could be a deadly silence. Find out what has shocked pharmacists, doctors and nurses. Be informed! Inform others! Order one for yourself and another to educate a friend, associate or family member today!

The Pill: America's Sacred Cow

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Early in his practice Lloyd became acutely aware that women taking hormonal birth control were experiencing a myriad of problems both physical and psychological—they were becoming “sick” and other drugs or pharmaceuticals were being added in an attempt to alleviate problems. This strange clinical practice, unique only to this class of drugs, caused Lloyd to interview hundreds of women and amass statistics and studies for thirty-five years. His latest book, The Pill—America's Sacred Cow is now available
Early in his practice Lloyd became acutely aware that women taking hormonal birth control were experiencing a myriad of problems both physical and psychological—they were becoming “sick” and other drugs or pharmaceuticals were being added in an attempt to alleviate problems. This strange clinical practice, unique only to this class of drugs, caused Lloyd to interview hundreds of women and amass statistics and studies for thirty-five years. His latest book, The Pill—America's Sacred Cow is now available. Lloyd's Remedies (“A Pro-Life, Pro-Family Pharmacy”) is designated as an Apothecary to indicate the refreshing uniqueness and originality of the new concept of an independent, community pharmacy. With the aggressive acquisition of independent and small chain pharmacies by national chain stores and the demise of the corner drugstore, Lloyd's Remedies is a new and adaptable model of family and community pharmacy developed in response to the insistence and consistent petitioning of the people of communities throughout South Louisiana. After service convenience and competitiveness, many people travel relatively long distances in order that they can receive the specialty care and concern that Mr. Lloyd offers. Lloyd Duplantis, RPh, PD, is a compounding pharmacist, specializing in hormonal preparations. He operates LLOYD'S REMEDIES in Gray Louisiana. Lloyd and Faie have been married forty-two years; have seven children and fourteen grand children. Lloyd is an ordained permanent deacon for the diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

The Pill and Breast Cancer

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by Chris Kahlenborn, MD updates his brochure on the Pill, its abortifacient properties and how it is directly tied to breast cancer.
Newly revised and updated in July 2011. How the Pill increases the risk of breast cancer, and effective strategies for prevention. Women who take so-called contraceptive pills before their first full pregnancy are 44% more likely to develop breast cancer before menopause. The Pill has been listed as a group I carcinogen by the WHO [hardly a pro-life organization] since 2005. This is a real eye opener for people who thought the abortifacient Pill was harmless. .

Clarifying Confusing Terminology

by Mike Izzotti, BPharm
director of PFLI Canada sets straight the disinformation proferred by the abortphiles.

Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives 4th edition

by Bogomir M Kuhar, PharmD, FASCP, 4th edition (2003), reprinted 2009
3rd edition, 1998, detailed study of abortifacients posing as "contraceptives" and marketed as such by the pharma-abortion industry-media conglomerate. Quantifies the estimated number of deaths of preborns by ALL means of abortion, not just the surgical figures offered yearly by entities ignoring the staggering deathly effects of chemical abortion. A must read!. Fully documented with over 100 references, 54 pp. For 0.3 CEus of continuing education, add $2.00.

Oral Contraceptives: Birth Control or Abortifacients?

by Bogomir M Kuhar, PharmD, FASCP
discusses the controversy and mechanisms of action

Oral Contraceptives Fact Sheet

by Lloyd duPlantis Jr, PD

Oral Contraception: A Different Perspective

by James T Walker, DO
a PFLI continuing education article, 0.1 CEUs

The Pill: how does it work? is it safe?

by Paul Weckenbrock, RPh
fully documented CCLI brochure overview of the "perfect contraceptive" by a pharmacist who owned one of the original "pro-life" pharmacies in the US in the 1980s.

Seven low dose oral contraceptives

and their influence on metabolic pathways and ovarian activity by Nine Van der vange, PhD (summary)
Summary of her master's thesis definitively shows ovulation and chemical abortion occurs with OCs

Oral Contraceptives Fact Pak

documented file of various literature reviewing these powerful abortifacient steroids and their side effects.

Beginnings, archived issues

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The official pro-life pharmacy news of record is available in vintage, archived copies of this hard hitting newsletter when it was available in print, prior to PharmFact E-News being initiated in the Internet age.
Back copies are $1.00 each. Just indicate which issue you desire and list quantities. Some issues are out of print and cannot be provided. We will contact you if that situation arises. Use the option here to indicate which issue you want.

Contraceptive Compromise: The Perfect Crime

ALL Policy Statement
deals with and defines misused/abused words in population control, with listing of pharmaceutical companies and their abortifacient products.

A Consumer's Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs

by John Wilks, BPharm, MPS
3rd edition, 2002, the blockbuster expose' of the health dangers and true nature of "contraceptives", written by a premier thinker from Australia with seven children of his own; Dr Wilks is a editor for the prestigious Micro Medex drug resource in his native Australia.

Contraception and Evangelium Vitae

by Patrick McCrystal, MPSNI, MPSI
a clear, cogent look at the connection between contraception, abortion and the 1995 encyclical by Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life) and what it means to pharmacists and all health professionals

The AIDS-Haiti-Oral Contraceptives Connection

by Lloyd DuPlantis Jr, PD
Read Dr DuPlantis' account of the evidence he unearthed during several medical missions to Haiti he experienced first hand.

The DES Story

by Lloyd DuPlantis Jr, PD
The sequelae of the 1950s, 60s and 70s events surrounding this powerful estrogen live on in the shattered lives of the daughters and granddaughters of thousands of unknowing users.

Who's at the Centre of Your Marriage: the Pill or Christ?

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by Patrick McCrystal, MPSNI, MPSI
McCrystal, a pharmacist by training, has been leading the HLI branch in Ireland for many years and is well versed in scientific aspects of the Pill as well as foundational Catholic teachings on marriage and contraception. The book is a clear, cogent look at the connection between contraception, abortion and the decimation of many marriages and what it means to pharmacists and all health professionals. In 1993, McCrystal decided his conscience would no longer allow him to dispense the abortifacient Pill, and he stopped doing so. For that he was blackballed in the pharmacy community in Ireland and could not fgind work for 3 years. Read his compelling story and the various rationales and statistics he shows in why contraception is deadly to a marriage where the unitive and procreative reasons for marriage are separated.

Depo Provera Fact Pak

Details the mechanisms of action and side effects of the injectable abortifacient progestin, medroxyprogesterone.

Drugs and Pregnancy

by Michael Rebol, RPh
PFLI CE article includes 0.2 CEUs

Non Prescription Drugs for the Breastfeeding Mother

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by Frank J Nice, RPh, DPA, CPHP
Non Prescription Drugs for the Breastfeeding Mother by Dr Nice is a comprehensive compilation of over the counter (OTC) drugs and their relative saefty for moms who are nursing, to educate them on items which can be potentially harmful, as well as those products with a safe proven track record. Dr Nice is a life-long pharmacist with decades of experience in hospital/institutional work as well as a research scientist.