Membership and Donations

You can enroll as a new member, renew your membership and/or place a donation here to PFLI. Feel free to indicate if you have a specific fund you want your donation allotted to in the "free text" area at the end of your order where it asks for "Your Message to Us"

Remember, we offer discounts on all levels of membership when you apply or renew for 2 years (10% off), 3-5 yrs (15% off) membership or longer. Consider a Lifetime Membership for a significant return on investment, as well as helping PFLI's work in the "here and now". If desired, we can discuss payment terms in installments to fit your budget or how to include PFLI in your will or living trust document. A modest bank fee for credit cards may be added to your final total.


Donations of any size are most welcome and gratefully appreciated. Check the option you desire at the amount level which matches your desired gift
Tax deductible to the fully extent of IRS rules and regulations in the USA. Please consult with your accountant for advice on tax strategies.

Membership, 1 yr active pharmacist

Membership dues, one year, active working and practicing pharmacist regardless of practice location or type of work

Membership, 1 yr retired pharmacist

Membership dues, one year, retired pharmacist regardless of former practice location or type of work (typically 60 yrs of age or older)

Membership, 1 yr student or CPhT

Membership dues, one year, active student or pharmacy technician (whether Certified or not) regardless of year in school. Also applies up to one year of post-graduate residency. Verifiable proof of student or CPhT status required upon request by PFLI

Membership, 1 yr non-pharmacist

Membership dues, one year, non-pharmacist individual, organization or institution not affiliated with the practice of pharmacy (e.g. non-profit pro-life organization; lay pro-life person, etc)

Membership, lifetime

Membership dues, up to a maximum 50 years, any level of pharmacist regardless of practice location or type of work; also can be applied to a non-pharmacist individual or organization