Healthcare Rights of Conscience:
HB 517
by pro-life Rep. Bernard Lebas
(D-Ville attack with false and deceptive
claims being spread by Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and PFLAG (Parents and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays). As reported to you earlier, Rep. John Bel Edwards (D-Amite) used
outrageous arguments advanced by these groups who are opposed to respecting the
religious liberties of pro-life individuals and
organizations. The Edwards amendments severely damaged the
bill, providing that only healthcare providers in the public sector are entitled
to conscience protection for a limited amount of procedures. This leaves
out private individuals and faith-based health care organizations that provide
a significant amount of health care services to the people of
In the Senate Health and Welfare committee this past Wednesday, Senator Cheryl Gray Evans (D-Baton Rouge) sided
with Planned Parenthood and company by stripping the pro-life amendments that
would have restored H.B. 517 to a pro-life posture. Confusion reigned in
the 2 hour committee hearing with Planned Parenthood representatives making
outrageous allegations that the bill allows "racist medicine," and
the ACLU alleging [PFLI note: quite bogusly] that conscience protections for
Judeo-Christian values could lead to a situation where Muslims would try to
impose Sharia law. To avoid the bill coming out
of committee with bad amendments, Rep. LeBas
voluntarily deferred HB 517 until next week, Wednesday, June 10, so that the
committee members could be briefed on the actual provisions of the bill and the
need to remove the Edwards amendments picked up in the House.
ACTION: If you are in the district of one of the Senate Health and Welfare members, please let them know
that they should OPPOSE any amendment offered by pro-abortion
rights advocates Senator Cheryl Gray Evans or
Senator Yvonne Dorsey.
Senators Ben Neavers
and Dale Eardy and Chairwoman Willie Mount have been strong pro-life proponents.
Senators David Heitmeier and Sherry Cheek are the key needed votes -- they are
open to learning about the need for this legislation and the importance of
H.B.517 to their constituents.
Suggested Message:
The best healthcare in the world depends on the freedom of conscience of both
individuals and faith-based organizations to practice in an environment where they cannot be forced
to participate in or pay for practices that violate their religious
beliefs or moral convictions. Please OPPOSE any
committee amendments to HB 517 offered by Senator Gray-Evans or Senator Dorsey.
Contact info for Senator David Heitmeier:
Representing the
Contact info for Senator Sherri Cheek:
Representing citizens in District 38 around the Keithville area.
When H.B. 517 is headed to the Senate floor, we will provide everyone with
an automatic link to contact your personal Senator about the importance of
protecting healthcare rights of conscience.
Bioethics Defense Fund
Rights from Beginning to End
Media Contact:
Dorinda C. Bordlee
Bioethics Defense Fund