Nomenclature - era of Barrie Hussein
We hope to here
introduce some new terminology to match the anti-life policies and
proclivities of the new administration:
any elective abortion, especially those closer to delivery date; also
can describe the promised "Camelot" like utopian land
sought for by Obamaborts [see below] under a nation which has a
dictatorship of the "hopeful" proletariat Obaminating [see
below] anyone who bitterly clings to their religion, conscience,
morals (especially the Christian variety) and, at times, guns.
to destroy or kill lives not worth living e.g. preborns, newborn
infants, useless eaters like Terri Schiavo, etc.
killing a parasite new human baby after the mother has delivered
abortoholics addicted to the confused misguided notion that their
freedom and "choices" are tied to someone else dying from
abortion, be it surgical or chemical; this class of creatures usually
become agitated, hostile, and hurl obscenities when someone refuses
to participate in an Obamanation, regardless how many other
individuals are willing to provide "women's reproductive health
care" [sic].
Cathol-obamaniacs - "catholics" who voted for Barrie Hussein in favor of their pension plans over the right to life of millions of preborn babies.
Obamanomics - The collapse of the US economy under the tax plan of Barrie Hussein including killing off of millions of future taxpayer citizens
Oborg - the seemingly hypnotized cult follower of Barrie Hussein
We hope to share
more of these terms with you soon, to pass along in your
communications and to your friends and associates. We especially
encourage their use by high school and college students, IM chatters,
bloggers and our brave military folks. Any suggestions and new terms
are warmly and gratefully welcome.
Return back to this link for more updates as they become available over the next four years of the new culture of death ruling the USA....