Subject: [Pflienews] PharmFacts E-News Update: Voinovich is not so pro-life as one may think
From: PFLI PharmAid Center
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 14:46:00 -0400
To: PFLI E News Updates

PharmFacts E-News Update -- 2 Apr 2008 AD #2

PFLI Note: Although sponsoring this bill may be commendable, we remain skeptical as to the depth or sincerity of the so-called "pro life" convictions of Sen. Voinovich.

While acting as governor of OH (1991-98), Voinovich was repeatedly asked to appoint a pro-life pharmacist to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy to fill one of the 2 or 3 vacancies that occur yearly.
Rather than act in an area where he had significant authority and control to effect a pro-life philosophy,
Voinovich ignored PFLI's just and legitimate requests, rather choosing to follow the recommendations of the pro-contraception and pro-abortion Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA), which has been traditionally hostile and oppositional to a Pharmacist's Conscience Clause in Ohio, and inimical to the mission of PFLI in general, e.g. attempting to shut down its executive director when he spoke as a bona fide delegate at an OPA convention considering a Conscience Clause.

In fact, OPA's executive director, who did seem to have the ear of then-Governor Voinovich, has blatantly and repeatedly stated the mendacity that Fr Paul Marx, of Human Life International fame, agreed with him. Nothing could be further from the truth, states PFLI Executive Director, Bo Kuhar, PharmD, a close collaborator and associate of Fr Marx who often spoke at the annual HLI Conventions the week following Easter. OPA only passed a watered down Conscience Clause policy when faced with severe pressure by the pharmacists, the consumer public and the near failure of SB 66, owing to OPA executive director's  rigid pro-contraception and pro-abortion sympathies.

Voinovich has never been supportive or pro-active in helping secure a Pharmacist's Conscience Clause as an elected official in Ohio (governor, mayor of Cleveland) nor as a US senator.

[:iglou123:] Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Pregnant W

Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Pregnant Women

April 2, 2008--

The Honorable George V. Voinovich
United States Senator
State of Ohio
36 East 7th Street, Room 2615
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202
PHONE: 513-684-3265                                                                      FAX: 513-684-3269
For Immediate Release         
April 1, 2008
Contact: Joel DiGrado (202) 224-4623                                                                                                                                         &nb sp;                               Garrette Silverman (202) 224-7784
Becky Ogilvie (202) 228-2107
Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Pregnant Women
(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sens. David Vitter, George Voinovich and Sam Brownback this week introduced the Pregnant Women Health and Safety Act, which would require physicians who perform abortions to hold admitting privileges at a hospital that the physician can travel to in one hour or less under average travel conditions.

"This legislation is so important because it provides common sense qualifications for abortion providers," said Vitter, the primary author of the bill.  "As with all medical procedures, abortions carry a risk, and doctors who provide them should, at the least, hold admitting privileges at a hospital in close vicinity to the abortion clinic."

The bill also requires that physicians notify patients as to the location of a hospital where they can receive follow-up care from the physician in the event that complications arise.  Further, the bill requires that any abortion clinic that receives federal funding be licensed and comply with current requirements relating to ambulatory surgery centers.

The bill also provides that any physician who does not hold clinical privileges may only perform or induce an abortion in order to avert the imminent death of the pregnant woman.

"Patients need to be aware of the possibility of complications arising from abortions," Vitter said.  "This bill requires abortion providers to make sure that a woman is aware of the location of the hospital at which she can receive treatment for any complications.  It is time that we took the appropriate steps to provide for the safety of the women who undergo abortions."

"We must do all that we can to restore our nation's once cherished culture of life," Voinovich said. "I have always said if I had a magic wand the first thing I would do is reconstitute the American family. We will never be able to do that until we respect life - especially the lives of the most vulnerable among us."

Brownback said, "While we are working toward the day when every unborn child is welcomed and loved, we are unfortunately not there yet.  The Pregnant Women Health and Safety Act will provide oversight of the abortion industry, which is badly in need of improved supervision.  Too many abortions are performed under unsafe conditions, and too many women's lives are at risk.  As a compassionate society, we must work to ensure that women are adequately cared for."

"The impetus of this bill stems from the tragic circumstances of so many women who have experienced significant health issues following abortions," said Vitter. "Thousands of women have these stories to tell - stories like that of Cynthia Collins, who suffered through a botched abortion at home, after being sent away from an abortion clinic by a doctor who offered no advice, no comfort, and no further care."

Collins now serves as the executive director of the Crisis Pregnancy Help Center and is the Louisiana state director of Operation Outcry, which provides assistance to women and men who have experienced the trauma caused by abortion.
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PFLI PharmAid Center
PO Box 1281
Powell, OH 43065-1281 USA

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