PharmFacts E-News Update - 7 May 2007 AD

Survey: Most Favor No so-called "Birth-Control" Coverage & Support Pharmacists' Rights of Conscience
Source: Pharmacists For Life International
Publication date: 7 May 2007 AD

Most US adults do NOT favor optional coverage of so-called "birth control",  and they DO favor pharmacists being able to enjoy freedom of conscience when to not fill or counsel for drugs, finds a survey.

According to the survey by Baraga Interactive for PFLI's PharmAid Center, a support institute for pharmacists who still have a conscience.

Sixty-one percent support no health insurance covering treatments such as so-called "birth-control pills", and 65 percent support a pharmacist's right to decline to fill or counsel for prescription drugs which may violate their sincerely held religious, moral and ethical beliefs.

The survey of 1,249 adults confirmed a similar study in 2005 whereby a slightly higher percentage of US adults--69%--supported pharmacist rights of conscience.

All forms of so-called oral "contraceptives" will act as abortifacients at some time, as one of the 3 mechanisms of action of these high powered steroids. Holocaust deniers claim pharmacists should essentially abandon their beliefs at the pharmacy counter and that well documented abortifacients such as Plan B do not terminate human life.

Currently, pharmacists of conscience practice with great difficulty in the states of CA, IL and WA which have mandatory fill or fine laws, essentially lowering the cognitive services of pharmacists to the level of fancy order takers. Conversely, AR, GA, SD, MS and other states support a pharmacist's freedom of choice to use their properly formed conscience.

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