An open e-mail to the Washington State Pharmacy Board:
The irregularities at the Sept 29th Board meeting regarding opposition to regulations requiring Washington state phamacists to deny their conscience and fill prescriptions for Plan B is further indication of the move away from self-government and self-determination by Washington State government. It appears that a group of would be social and political elitists have taken it upon themselves to determine what is best for the public and hence the country as well.
I'm sure most of you recognize that the public doesn't want your socialist ideas of a supposed great 'egalitarian society', especially when certain members of that society will be forced to surrender their constitutional rights in favor of your perceptions of a greater social good in murdering the unborn.
Aside from the obvious conflict of interest by Board members, Rosemarie Duffy a Director at Planned Parenthood and Vandana Slatter currently a NARAL Board member, the Washington State Pharmacy Board has essentially held a kangaroo proceeding intended to deny the First Amendment's free exercise rights to state Pharmacists in order to foist the Board's vision of a religion free utopian culture on the residents of the state.
The Small Business Economic Impact Survey (SBEIS) that you used to garner support for this new regulation states: "Please note that proposed amendments to WAC 246-863-095 are not analyzed within this Small Business Economic Impact Statement because the rule effects individual pharmacists, but does not create costs for businesses."
That's simply not true because the statement is predicated on the erroneous assumption that no Pharmacists own their own businesses, which I'm sure you're all well aware, is not the case. Also, I'd expect that you'd equally be unfamiliar with the Free enterprise System as your statement infers. Pharmacists and companies will have to provide additional training for employees and institute internal policy changes to comply with this regulation. They will have to keep records to be inspected by the state for compliance, all of which entail cost and will ultimately be passed on to the consumer.
Your statement is not only intended to deceive but to close any 'loophole' that might allow conscientious objectors to infanticide, to opt out, and start their own business. Wonder how many of you have received gratuities from 'Barr' labs, one of the makers of Plan B and other abortifacients.
We have had, from time to time, shortages of various commodities in America including gasoline, tires and batteries in WWII. Occasionally, there continue to be certain popular toys from year to year that become scarce but one thing there has never been a shortage of in the history of this country and that's morons. Yes, the ‘Peter Principle’ , that asserts people are promoted to their highest level of incompetence, is alive and well at the Board of Pharmacy in Washington state. The country is in danger of collapse from the sheer weight of the bureaucratic idiots, not unlike yourselves, that have become entrenched in state and federal government.
The Washington state Pharmacy Regulation denying the right of conscience is nothing less than forced autocratic rule by a band of dimwits. Rest assured the public will read about the questionable actions of this board on in an article entitled, "Washington State moves to deny Pharmacists right of conscience.. "
Allen K. Williams, P.E.
Prof Eng; MI NO. 30236