Delaware Cty (PA) Anniversary is success
The Delaware County (PA) Pro-Life Coalition 20th Anniversary meeting was very successful the weekend of March 30-31, according to organizers.
“I can tell you that it was very inspiring,” said PFLI IL Coordinator, Neil Noesen, PharmD. “I met Leslee Unruh who has been working on saving babies in SD. I also met Bob Schindler, Terry Schiavo's brother, who has been active on the speaking circuit since his sister was starved and dehydrated to death by a FL court.” It was the second anniversary of the death of his sister, Terri Schiavo.
“I based my talk on points made by the late Pope John Paul II to pharmacists, especially the 1990 address which directly addressed the area of conscience and what pharmacists should and should not do - that the moral code must supercede the laws of the marketplace,” concluded Noesen.