Educational Day at APhA meeting in Atlanta Successful

The morning of March 17th, 2007 was spent leafleting at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta by a number of pharmacists and the public in support of Pharmacist Rights of Conscience. 

The afternoon was spent at the Hyatt Hotel offering information to attendees who were using the APhA shuttle buses to get to and from the Georgia World Congress Center.


IL Coordinator, Neil Noesen, PharmD, who was the on-site leader of the educational effort, stated: “I personally passed out about 150 of the pro-life brochures to attendees and a few to the locals in Atlanta who were interested” in our message. Close to 2000 of the estimated 7000 attendees was impacted by the leafleting and messaging.


Overall, the leafleting campaign was a big success, given the late hour in which it was organized. However, a much better organized leafleting campaign would yield even better results at the next APhA Annual Meeting in San Diego in 2008.

Although Noesen had asked for a small space in the APhA enormous facility, he was denied his request.

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