Subject: American Life League Asks, 'Where's the Health?' Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 09:07:40 +0000 From: "Pro-Life E-News Canada" Reply-To: Pro-Life E-News To: Pro-Life E-News Tuesday December 8, 12:42 pm Eastern Time Company Press Release SOURCE: American Life League American Life League Asks, 'Where's the Health?' WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statement was issued today by American Life League president Judie Brown: Planned Parenthood has attempted to dub today, December 8th, as ``Healthy Women's Day,'' in an effort to replace the stain and stigma attached to abortion murders with something happy and fluffy. Let the following list of the injured and the dead attest to the fact that abortion and birth control have nothing to do with health. No more need be said about ``Healthy Women's Day,'' than what is contained in the following information about Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. Listed: 9 of 137 cases of malpractice filed in 14 states Shari G. Accused Planned Parenthood staffers of perforating her uterus while performing an abortion on her at Planned Parenthood in 1985. (Source: Jefferson County Circuit Court, Birmingham , AL -- Case No. 1 CV87-1013) Debra S. Charged Planned Parenthood staffers botched her abortion in 1989. She suffered a uterine infection from the incomplete abortion and underwent corrective surgery and extensive medical care. (Source: Jefferson County Circuit Court, Birmingham, AL -- CV90-6411) Tammy B. Sued Planned Parenthood because of an abortion in 1988 performed so negligently that it lacerated her uterus, causing her to bleed uncontrollably. She had to undergo a hysterectomy. She also sued a doctor named C. Augustus in the case. (Source: Los Angeles County Superior Court, L.A., CA -- Case No. C689304) Susan K. Accused a Planned Parenthood staffer of installing an IUD in her so negligently it punctured her uterus in 1984. (Source: Los Angeles County Superior Court, L.A., CA -- Case No.EAC47511) Michelle H. Accused a Planned Parenthood staffer of performing an abortion on her in 1992 so negligently that she had to undergo corrective treatment for her injuries in a hospital. (Source: Los Angeles County Superior Court, L.A., CA -- Case No.LC24177) Sharon B. This woman charged a Planned Parenthood staffer named Said Yassir perforated her uterus and small intestine while performing an abortion on her at a Planned Parenthood. She had to undergo emergency surgery for these injuries. The wounds spread infection inside her and she had to undergo treatment for peritonitis, tachycardia (abnormally rapid heartbeat), jaundice, liver abscesses and sepsis as a result. (Source: Sacramento County Superior Court, Sacramento, CA -- Case No.380230) Cathy G. Accused Planned Parenthood staffers of performing an abortion on her in 1981 so negligently that she had to undergo surgery and eventually was rendered sterile. (Source: Sacramento County Superior Court, Sacramento, CA -- Case No.302993) Angelique W. Charged a Planned Parenthood staffer performed a D&C abortion on her in 1992 even though she was in her second trimester of pregnancy. As a result, the staffer ruptured her uterus, and she had to undergo a hysterectomy. (Source: Cook County Circuit Court, Chicago, IL -- Case No.92L 14559) Cheryl R. Charged a staffer performed an abortion on her at Planned Parenthood in 1986 so negligently that she suffered uterine bleeding and damage. She was forced to undergo a hysterectomy. (Source: Cheryl's federal cases against Planned Parenthood (Case No. 88C4717, filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago, and Case No. H88-486, filed in U.S. District Court in Hammond)) Women who died from supposedly ``safe'' abortions. 1980 -- 14 recorded in 12 states (Sources and Dates of Deaths) 1) Alabama Center for Health Statistics -- January 29, 1980 2) Alabama Center for Health Statistics -- July 28, 1980 3) Rocky Mountain News CO, Death Certificate -- February 25, 1980 4) Washington Times article 4/19/84, June 1985 issue of Vital Signs, Washington Post article dated 4/29/86, Death Certificate -- January 12, 1980 5) Florida Office of Vital Statistics -- August 20, 1980 6) Georgia Department of Human Resources -- January 12, 1980 7) Iowa Department of Public Health -- January 24, 1980 8) Iowa Department of Public Health -- July 5, 1980 9) ``Abortions in Michigan 1980'' Office of the State Registrar, Center for Health Statistics -- 1980 10) Philadelphia Common Pleas Court, Case No. 81 05 2770, Death Certificate -- March 5, 1980 11) South Carolina Office of Vital Records -- May 7, 1980 12) Tennessee Department of Health -- July 16, 1980 13) Texas Department of Health -- January 22, 1980 14) New York City Department of Health -- July 25, 1980 1981 -- 13 recorded in 11 states (Sources and Dates of Deaths) 1) Florida Office of Vital Statistics -- April 18, 1981 2) Miami Herald Article 1/5/83 and 9/17/89, Death Certificate -- May 8, 1981 3) Iowa Department of Public Health -- July 1, 1981 4) Kentucky State Registrar September 25, 1981 5) Louisiana State Registrar -- December 5, 1981 (DIED 17 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 6) St. Louis MO City Circuit Court, Case No. 812-11077 7) New Jersey Bureau of Vital Statistics -- December 16, 1981 (DIED 17 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 8) New York City Department of Health -- August 22, 1981 9) New York State Supreme Court 134 A.D. 2d 159 as reported in 520 New York Supplement, 2d Series, 751, Death Certificate -- May 13, 1981 10) New York State Department of Health -- December 30, 1981 (DIED 17 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 11) North Carolina State Registrar -- March 16, 1981 12) Summit County OH Common Pleas Court Case No. CV 82-4-1036 -- July 25, 1981 13) Washington Department of Health entitled "Deaths, Maternal, due to Abortion (ICD 6350-6399) -- 1981 1982 -- 10 recorded in 8 states (Sources and Dates of Deaths) 1) Los Angeles County Coroner, Case No. 82-8251 -- June 30, 1982 2) Obstetrics and Gynecology article "Cluster of Abortion Deaths at a Single Facility" -- December 18, 1982 (DIED 16 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 3) Georgia Department of Human Resources -- January 21, 1982 4) Louisiana State Registrar -- September 28, 1982 5) Wayne County MI Circuit Court, Case No. 84-423794-NM -- August 3, 1982 6) New York City Department of Health -- 1982 7) New York City Department of Health -- 1982 8) New York City Department of Health -- November 3, 1982 9) Philadelphia PA Common Pleas Court, Case No. 83 01 0077, Death Certificate -- July 7, 1982 10) Texas Department of Health -- January 16, 1982 1983 -- 15 recorded in 6 states (Sources and Dates of Death) 1)California Office of the State Registrar -- February 22, 1983 2) Kern County Superior Court -- November 3, 1983 3) Los Angeles County Coroner, Case No. 83-15079, Wrongful Death Case No. SWC73020 -- December 3, 1983 (DIED 15 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 4) Connecticut Department of Health Services -- August 7, 1983 5) Death Certificate, Miami Herald article 1/5/83 -- January 4, 1983 6) Death Certificate, Florida Today article 6.1.83, Autopsy Report A-83- 128-LMA 7) New Mexico Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics -- January 9, 1983 8) New York City Department of Health -- January 20, 1983 9) New York City Department of Health -- May 10, 1983 10) New York City Department of Health -- May 28, 1983 11) New York City Department of Health -- June 21, 1983 12) New York City Department of Health -- August 8, 1983 13) New York State Supreme Court 162 A.D. 2d 235 as reported in 556 New York Supplement, 2d Series 600 -- June 14, 1983 14) New York Health Department -- December 1983 (DIED 15 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 15) Texas Department of Health -- August 30, 1983 1984 -- 16 recorded in 11 states (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) Los Angeles County Coroner, Case No. 84-2948 -- March 3, 1984 2) Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. C555261 -- August 14, 1984 3) Los Angeles County Coroner, Case No. 84-16016, Death Certificate -- December 16, 1984 (DIED 14 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 4) Marion County IN Coroner Case No. 84-0039, Death Certificate -- January 10, 1984 5) Death Certificate, Baton Rouge LA State Times and Morning Advocate -- June 6, 1984 6) National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Multiple Cause-of-Death Record for 1984, Death Certificate -- December 1, 1984 (DIED 14 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 7) Wayne County MI Circuit Court in Detroit, Case No. 85-507691, Death Certificate -- January 21, 1984 8) February 1987 article in the Newark Star and several documents from the state's license action against Garrett -- 1984 9) New York State Department of Health -- January 25, 1984 10) New York State Department of Health -- March 30, 1984 11) New York City Department of Health printout "1984 Deaths, Selected Causes, By Boro of Occurrence" ICD 635.7 -- 1984 12) Multnomah County OR Circuit Court in Portland, Case No. A8503 01905, NCHS Mortality Multiple Cause-of-Death Record for 1984, Death Certificate -- January 3, 1984 13) Pennsylvania Department of Health -- December 13, 1984 (DIED 14 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 14) Rhode Island Department of Health -- January 8, 1984 15) Des Moines IA Register article dated 5/5/84 -- Death Certificate -- April 11, 1984 16) Texas Department of Health -- June 14, 1984 1985 -- 17 recorded in 11 States (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) Alabama Center for Health Statistics -- April 4, 1985 2) San Bernardino CA County Coroner, Case No. 71314, Death Certificate -- February 2, 1985 3) Alameda County Coroner's Department Case No. 85-1122, Death Certificate -- May 19, 1985 4) Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. SOC823220, Death Certificate -- May 28, 1985 5) Dade County FL Circuit Court in Miami, Case No. 85014112, Death Certificate -- March 6, 1985 6) Georgia Department of Human Resources - December 10, 1985 (DIED 13 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 7) Georgia Department of Human Resources - December 27, 1985 (DIED 13 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 8) Cook County IL Circuit Court, Case No. 85L 10455, Death Certificate -- May 2, 1985 9) Massachusetts Department of Vital Records, February 1, 1985 10) Middlesex County NJ Superior Court, Case No. H-054832-85, Death Certificate -- June 21, 1985 11) New York County Supreme Court in Manhattan, Case No. 22504/85, Death Certificate -- February 11, 1985 12) New York City Department of Health -- February 19, 1985 13) New York City Department of Health - St. Patrick's Day, 1985 14) New York City Department of Health - September 6, 1985 15) Charleston County SC Common Pleas Court Case No. 86-CP-10-3283, Death Certificate -- July 16, 1985 16) South Dakota Health Department -- July 27, 1985 17) Texas Department of Health -- December 18, 1985 (DIED 13 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 1986 -- 15 recorded in 10 States (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) Death Certificate, Mobile Press Register articles dated 6/6/91 & 6/16/91 -- November 24, 1986 2) Orange County Sheriff-Coroner, Case No. 86-0682-AK -- February 6, 1986 3) San Mateo County Coroner's Office, Case No. 86-538, Death Certificate -- May 29, 1986 4) Los Angeles Herald Examiner article dated 2/22/88 -- August 13, 1986 5) Death Certificate, Los Angeles Herald Examiner article dated 2/22/88 -- September 20, 1986 6) Death Certificate, Associated Press article dated 11/22/89 -- April 29, 1986 7) Georgia Department of Human Resources -- September 5, 1986 8) Cook County IL Circuit Court, Case No. 86L 18707, Death Certificate -- February 19, 1986 9) Cook County IL Circuit Court, Case No. 87L 15971, Death Certificate -- December 31, 1986 )DIED 12 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 10) Wayne County MI Circuit Court, Case No. 86-621838, Death Certificate -- January 14, 1986 11) Newark NJ Star article from February, 1987 - 1986 12) New Jersey Bureau of Vital Statistics -- March 26, 1986 13) New York City Department of Health -- January 22, 1986 14) Pennsylvania Department of Health -- March 11, 1986 15) Dallas County TX District Court Case No. 88-1642-F -- May 27, 1986 1987 - 12 recorded in 9 States (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. SWC 90298, Death Certificate -- January 27, 1987 2) Los Angeles Herald Examiner article dated 2/22/88 -- September 19, 1987 3) Cook County Circuit Court, Case No. 89L 2906, Death Certificate -- April 20, 1987 4) Cook County Circuit Court, Case No. 87L 24404, Death Certificate -- August 29, 1987 5) Maryland Department of Health, December 8, 1987 (DIED 11 YEARS AGO TODAY) 6) Worcester County Superior Court in Massachusetts, Case No. 88-1567, Death Certificate -- February 12, 1987 7) New York City Department of Health -- May 4, 1987 8) Ohio Department of Health -- February 6, 1987 9) Tulsa Tribune article dated 7/13/87 -- May 4, 1987 10) Oregon Health Division -- October 15, 1987 11) Tennessee Department of Health -- March 26, 1987 12) Tennessee Department of Health -- April 5, 1987 1988 - 21 recorded in 12 States (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) California Office of the State Registrar -- June 6, 1988 2) Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. WEC139590, Death Certificate -- June 8, 1988 3) Los Angeles County Coroner Case No. 88-07800, Death Certificate -- August 6, 1988 4) Riverside CA County Coroner Case No. RC-88-1100, Death Certificate -- August 19, 1988 5) Florida Office of Vital Statistics -- December 6, 1988 (DIED 10 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 6) Georgia Department of Human Resources -- August 13, 1988 7) Georgia Department of Human Resources -- November 9, 1988 8) Death Certificate, Associated Press articles dated 1/26/89 -- December 3, 1988 (DIED 10 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 9) Associated Press article dated 5/10/88, Kansas City Star article dated 6/3/90 -- March 10, 1988 10) Louisiana State Registrar -- September 10, 1988 11) Michigan State Registrar -- December 28, 1988 (DIED 10 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 12) Mississippi State Board of Health -- August 7, 1988 13) Greene County MO Circuit Court, Case No. CV188-675CC2 -- February 20, 1988 14) New Jersey Bureau of Vital Statistics -- January 18, 1988 15) Death Certificate, New York Autopsy No. 88-1488 -- June 29, 1988 16) Affidavit filed in the New York Department of Health's case against CRASH, Associated Press article dated 9/30/88 -- August 10, 1988 17) New York City Department of Health -- September 6, 1988 18) New York City Department of Health -- December 26, 1988 (DIED 10 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH) 19) Harris County TX District Court in Houston, Case No. 89-16747 -- May 29, 1988 20) Victoria County TX District Court Case No. 90-5-40, 939-C -- July 8, 1988 21) Virginia Division of Vital Records -- August 28, 1988 1989 -- 17 recorded in 12 States (Sources and Dates of Death) 1) Alabama Center for Health Statistics -- September 25, 1989 2) California Office of the State Registrar -- June 3, 1989 3) Colorado Department of Health -- July 28, 1989 4) District of Columbia Commission of Public Health -- November 2, 1989 5) Associated Press article dated 5/12/89, Atlanta Journal and Constitution article dated 1/5/90 -- October 10, 1989 6) Cook County IL Circuit Court, Case No. 89L 13692, Death Certificate -- September 7 1989 7) Prince George's (MD) Journal -- March 1, 1989 8) Death Certificate, article in The Wanderer dated 12/5/91 -- May 12, 1989 9) Washington Post article dated 8/13/90 -- July 12, 1989 10) Associated Press article dated 2/3/89, New York Daily News article dated 1/16/89 -- January 15, 1989 11) New York State Department of Health -- January 17, 1989 12) Petition of administration filed 7/26/90 in Wayne County NY Surrogate Court, Death Certificate -- January 19, 1989 13) New York City Department of Health -- May 8, 1989 14) North Carolina State Registrar -- November 28, 1989 15) Pittsburgh Press article dated 9/26/91, Death Certificate -- August 16, 1989 16) Harris County TX District Court, Case No. 89-28771 -- March 14, 1989 17) Virginia Division of Vital Records -- June 20, 1989 ***Information on 1990 - Current available upon request*** Deaths Associated with the Birth Control Pill in England 1994-1997 (Same types of Birth Control sold by Planned Parenthood) ADR No Product Fatal Reaction Age Sex Date Date of Prescibed Death 302724 Mercilon Pulmonary Embolism 37 F 11/14/91 01/04/94 305051 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 40 F N/A 03/17/94 309867 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 27 F 08/1993 07/14/94 312030 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 18 F 04/14/94 05/23/94 319995 Logynon Pulmonary Embolism 26 F 03/31/94 03/08/95 320151 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 21 F N/A 03/08/95 321663 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 16 F N/A 01/29/95 322175 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 28 F 03/08/95 03/28/95 322177 Logynon Pulmonary Embolism 17 F 07/23/93 05/03/94 322928 Norplant Suicide 31 F 07/23/93 05/03/94 323454 Marvelon Left ventricle failure 33 F 1992 06/05/95 324893 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 47 F 07/02/94 04/18/94 327135 Logynon Pulmonary Embolism 21 F 11/1992 08/28/95 327761 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 24 F N/A 07/21/95 327821 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 40 F N/A 07/21/95 328109 Minulet Subarachnoid 17 F 01/1995 09/16/95 haemorrhate 329035 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 44 F 10/13/93 07/18/95 331085 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 27 F 03/17/95 12/10/95 332855 Binovum Pulmonary Embolism 19 F N/A 01/28/96 337939 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 30 F 12/30/96 01/26/96 340648 Micronor Pulmonary Embolism 47 F 12/1995 03/04/96 341374 Cilest Pulmonary Embolism 33 F 07/09/96 08/19/96 341787 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 39 F 05/1996 05/28/96 B704704 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 27 F N/A 10/05/96 M901718 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 34 F 08/18/94 01/08/95 N601958 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 25 F N/A 03/10/94 N603019 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 22 F 12/1991 01/23/95 N603199 Mercilon Pulmonary Embolism 50 F N/A 03/08/95 W802581 Noriday Sudden death 48 F 1989 04/09/95 unexplained W803199 Cilest Pulmonary Embolism 22 F N/A 08/04/95 346517 Norplant Cervical ca in situ N/A F 04/22/94 01/20/97 347220 Loestrin Pulmonary Embolism 28 F 07/01/96 12/22/96 348146 Minulet Pulmonary Embolism 18 F N/A 02/28/97 348863 Cilest Pulmonary Embolism 34 F N/A 02/04/97 350115 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 38 F 10/19/95 04/01/97 350987 Microyynon Pulmonary Embolism 22 F 10/26/95 09/24/96 355433 Marvelon Pulmonary Embolism 23 F 12/05/91 01/24/95 355489 Microgynon Multiple pulmonary 29 F N/A 06/16/97 emboli 356762 Marvelon Multiple pulmonary 33 F 09/24/96 01/03/97 emboli 357204 Loestrin Pulmonary Embolism 43 F 07/1996 07/05/96 357278 Cilest Multiple pulmonary 23 F 05/1997 09/14/97 emboli 358100 Microgynon Pulmonary embolism 21 F 02/1997 02/28/97 358221 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 26 F 04/25/97 06/06/97 358488 Cilest Pulmonary Embolism 23 F 04/07/97 09/07/97 B703057 Femodene Cerebral infarc 42 F 09/06/93 08/15/94 B703810 Minulet Pulmonary Embolism 20 F 07/17/95 11/10/95 B703824 Minulet Pulmonary Embolism 25 F 06/03/91 01/16/96 B704327 Microgynon Pulmonary Embolism 25 F 11/27/95 12/24/95 B704328 Cilest Pulmonary Embolism 32 F 12/20/95 12/25/95 B704328 Femodene Pulmonary Embolism 32 F 1992 12/25/95 The preceding information in the first list are those cases directly related to Planned Parenthood. The third list (Birth Control Deaths) is not directly related to Planned Parenthood; however Planned Parenthood does sell some or all of these birth control products and of course, they advocate the use of dangerous birth control products across the board, including those recently approved, namely PREVEN, which is a dosage four times greater than that of a regular birth control pill. Let the length of this list and the fact that it is merely representative of a only a portion of the injuries and deaths directly related to the abortion and birth control industries be a reminder to all that many will not be celebrating ``Healthy Women's Day'' today. HAPPY HEALTHY WOMEN'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!! Judie Brown is president of American Life League, the nation's largest pro-life educational organization with more than 300,000 supporters. SOURCE: American Life League *************************************************** The material contained in this file is made available courtesy contributors and editors of Pro-Life E-News Canada. Copying of this material is free for non-commercial educational and research use. Unless explicitly stated, copyright of this material is owned by the author and/or sponsoring organization, and/or newswire services. Check out: InterLIFE: The Kevorkian Papers: The RU-486 Files: The Morgentaler Files: