reate own petition message, if possible.
The Message:
be long or complex, just honest and to the
the right of every individual to live
and act according to their conscience.
Name :
Date :
Email Address :
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your address
Subject :
Message :
(Please feel free to personalize the letter given below)
Dear Mr. Rod Shafer Current federal and state law respects the right of individual pharmacists to abstain from dispensing a drug to which they conscientiously object (1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; RCW 9.02.150; RCW 48.43.065; RCW 70.47.160). This legal recognition of the civil rights of pharmacists in no way trumps the rights of patients. Patients do have a right to receive pharmacy services, but they do not have a right to force a particular individual pharmacist to provide them. The State of Washington must not impose such a regulation. The new draft proposed by the Governor, which your Association approved, will not allow your right to conscience to be respected as do other health care professionals. I urge you to publicly revoke your support for this draft. Furthermore, please urge the Governor, Board of Pharmacy, and other government leaders to uphold current United States and Washington State Laws that protect your rights to live and act according to your conscience with the Washington State Board of Pharmacy's June 1s Draft of Rules: WAC 246-863-095 Pharmacist's Professional Responsibilities. I thank you for your willingness to consider my concerns. Respectfully yours,
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Protecting the right to live and act according to one’s conscience
Human RIght To Conscience
P.O. Box 59832
Seattle, WA 98058