Washington State Board of Pharmacy Meetings
Public Testimony Rules Hearing
Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 9:15am
Renton Community Center Directions: HERE
1715 SE Maple Valley Highway Meeting Agenda: TBA
Renton, Wa 98057
Information Flyer: HERE
Please make every effort to attend the Public Testimony Rules Hearing!!
- Numbers will count!
- Strong presence at the Board hearing is needed to prevent this draft
rule from becoming official.
If the Draft Rule becomes official it...
- Gives the Board of Pharmacy authority to suspend, fine and/or remove
the license of pharmacies who do not fill, on demand, drugs that
cause abortions and other drugs that ever become "legal" to use i.e.
Physician Assisted Suicide, etc.
- Could cause pharmacies to discriminate against employing any
pharmacists unable to fill medications that cause abortions.
Your prayers and presence is needed!
Action Needed:
The WA State Board of Pharmacy composed a Draft Rule that impinges on this
right, for WA pharmacists. However, before this Draft can become official, a
Hearing needs to be held, to consider public concerns regarding this Draft.
Come, support us in NUMBERS at this Hearing, whether or not you testify.
WHO? Presence of all supportive family & friends, whether or not they testify.
HOW? Sign-In at the door. To testify, indicate on the sign-in sheet. Sample
testimonies available. Please Contact Us.
- REJECT the Draft Rule proposal &
- SUPPORT a pharmacist's right to follow his/her conscience.
Unable to come? Submit comments via e-mail: wsbop@doh.wa.gov,
fax: (360) 586-4359, www3.doh.wa.gov/policyreview or HERE. What you say
need not be long or complex, just simple and straight to the point. Your
comments WILL make a difference! Need help? Questions? Contact Us.
Meeting Ground Rules:
- Must be recognized (called on) by the Board Chair, to speak
- State name and affiliation (i.e. concerned citizen, R.Ph., student)
- Avoid talking while others are speaking, personal attacks
or accusations;
- Do not repeat comments made by others; and
- The public is allowed to make a two minute comment per person.
- Respect the time limit that the Board Chair designates. In the past it
has been 2 minutes.
- Letters or supplementary information may also be submitted to the
Board during this time, but it is recommended that this material be
mailed prior to the meeting so they have time to review it.
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